Our Morgan-Levy Health Cubesm system yields quick insights
Every day individuals make choices which impact not only their health, but also contribute to our soaring health-care costs. The Morgan-Levy Health Cube, an e-health system, is a research-based, quick, and economical way of understanding an individual’s motivations in ....
Tap into our expertise in marketing to the mature market
Over the past 30 years, 22,000 U.S. consumers 40 and older have participated in our comprehensive psychographic segmentation studies. Through these studies ....
Psychographic segmentation creates strong competitive edge
Three women go into a drug store. Each one picks up a tube of sunscreen. From doing a psychographic segmentation we learn their motivations for the purchase are entirely different.
Instead of relying on behaviors, which report the past, and demographics which detail the present, a psychographic segmentation shapes ....