A psychographic segmentation study
for the price of three focus groups

Each month we field a shared-cost study on the 40 and older U.S. market.*
These studies use the questionnaires we have developed over the past thirty years.

Our offer includes the following:

The equivalent of a half page for your proprietary questions, which is
about four or five questions.

One custom cross-tabulation of data including one segmentation:
Health, Health Information, or Health Compliance.

1,500 40 and older respondents based on a national probability sample
based on sex, age, and U.S. Census region.

PowerPoint presentation delivered electronically.

Cost: $26,000


Custom report and consultation, prices available on request.

Past participants have included companies from these industries: eye care,
pharmaceuticals, health insurance, over-the-counter drugs, exercise equipment, cosmetics, and
durable medical goods, as well as other products and services targeting this demographic.

Specific descriptions of our three separate health segmentations are found in our press kit.
Learn more about us and our work here.

* We will conduct the monthly study only if there are sufficient client participants.